Tuesday, March 02, 2010

haven't blogged in ages, it's been more than a year since i've written something here, i've almost forgotten what to write or how to write in a blog. not even sure what prompted me to come back here, maybe it's cos i suddenly feel so free and liberated i'm trying to think of all sorts of things to do, random as they may be. such a delight to be able to do absolutely anything i feel like doing, no matter how unimportant, without feeling guilty that i ought to be studying, or that the things that i'm reading may displace whatever info is supposed to be in my head.

just done with year 3 exams, and just past midpoint of med school. i'm still clueless bout what i want to do after graduating. not a very good state to be in with the R programme that the authorities seem quite keen on implementing.

can't really think of anything very remarkable to mention about the year that has passed, between now and the previous post. or maybe life is beautiful just by appreciating and reflecting on the ordinary too!

i suppose in the ordinary day for me, life revolves around studies and friends, tho honestly (and with much sadness and regret), i think the former predominates. I'd like to spend more time with my ny friends, keep up with the card making or at least card buying. sometimes i wonder whether an upcoming exam is a good enough reason to delay or even not make a card. i don't think it is, friends shouldn't be friends out of convenience right? but yet, when i'm so tight for time with my inefficient studying and all that, priorities get blurred:( in any case, thanks deb, tyz, oeh and yingg for organizing meet ups and keeping in touch despite the little i have been able to give to you girls.. i'd like to be there for each of you if you ever need someone to turn to too! then there's the japan-group. really enjoy meeting up with you all during our japan trip outings. it's wonderful to have a meal or hang around somewhere with you all, and add more memories to the 14 days we created during the japan trip. between these meals, it's nice to catch up with each of you in person too, to share our studying woes or simply what's been happening in our lives. i'm so glad we went on the trip together and forged such strong friendships during the trip, it'll always be one of my fondest memories of med school:)

i've also been travelling a bit. between the last post and now, God had blessed me with holidays to phuket, sydney, macau, kl, and darwin. i guess travelling is one of my fav hobbies, albeit a rather expensive one:P but i think the sights that i see, the new places, the town, the people, the hotels, the whole experience is invaluable. it's like a memory that belongs to you, that no one will ever be able to snatch away from you, and that you can always look back on, as often as you want to, and relive the place all over again in your mind's eye.

don't know what else to ramble about, or rather, there are too many things... about my faith, love, family, friendships, working/school relationships, personal traits and perspectives, priorities... will write again in due time, hopefully it won't be another year!

For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21)